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Power Skills To Present Like A Professional! by
Dr. Jeffrey L. Magee, PDM, CSP, CMC Present
Like A Professional, whether you speak to ten or a thousand, here are some
helpful power presentation skill builders for your next appearance.
Skill Builder #2 - Know the CRUX (key point) of each aspect of
your presentation, so you can free yourself from reading or looking at notes
and become more conversational with your presentation. Presentation
Skill Builder #3 - Have documentation, books, charts, etc. in
hand as you present to establish greater power behind your points, and then
set the material down and free your hands to allow you to physically
telegraph your key points!
Skill Builder #4 - Break your presentation room down in your
minds-eye into four quadrants. As you engage the participants in the room,
make eye contact with one person per quadrant and become comfortable with
them. While you will play to these people in the four different quadrants,
everyone in that line of eye sight will feel as if you are connecting with
them and that will make you more personable - and thus more comfortable! Presentation
Skill Builder #5 - Get out of the box...whether you are on a
stage, at a lectern, using power-point, an overhead projection system or
have notes on a head table, you must work the room. Move around and create a
sense of energy. Don't be the boring, monotone college professor that stay's
in one place as if your feet are nailed down - remember, your audience does
not have to be polite and stay mentally with you now! Presentation
Skill Builder #6 - Projection, make sure you test the room out
before the audience arrives if possible to see how loud (audio) you will
need to project your voice to be heard or how to utilize an amplifier system
... and this rule hold true for pre testing out all visuals to be used, and
don't ever use a visual that becomes over kill as you get into your
presentation! Presentation
Skill Builder #7 - Personalize your message to your listeners to
draw them in, as Zig Ziglar says, people listen to "What's In It For
Me" ... reference people by name, position and experiences, all
information you will have gained from prior interface with audience-client! Presentation
Skill Builder #8 - The "Adult" learning model
encourages a speaker to Tell them-Tell them-and Tell them;
(1) start by telling the audience in general terms what they are
about to hear, then (2) tell them the message in an interactive experiential
manner, and (3) wrap up with a review of what you said! Presentation
Skill Builder #9 - The brain absorbs in three ways, so build your
message in a manner that you can draw upon as much and as often as you can
on, (1) Visual, (2) Auditory, and (3) Kinesthetic! Presentation
Skill Builder #10 - Leaving wanting more ... make the
presentation fun, energized, up lifting and entertaining to the degree that
is you. With engaging first person stories, humor, examples, handouts and
usable action plans, so the audience wants to or is willing to listen to you
again! Dr. Jeffrey Magee, PDM/CSP/CMC, is an international business-leadership speaker and author of more than a dozen best selling books. For program information and availability call toll free 877-906-2433.
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