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Through Crisis
How you can make
a difference
by Christine Corelli
the shock from the terrorist attacks is barely beginning to
diminish people throughout the country are experiencing fear, anger,
frustration, and many emotions they've never had to deal with in their past.
Feelings of loss of security-- physical,
financial and professional are in
the back of their minds, causing sleepless nights and bouts of depression.
Many people who are normally highly productive and creative are having
difficulty focusing, are easily distracted and unable to concentrate on
routine tasks. The uncertainty is daunting for at present, it is impossible
to foresee the ramifications these acts of terrorism against our great
country will present to us in the foreseeable future.
it all, Americans are showing astounding levels of unity and
patriotism. It is clear the majority realize the importance of
demonstrating unity of purpose and support. Citizens, government and
foreign diplomats are rallying around President Bush, and handing him wide latitude to strike against these fanatic terrorists. The civilized world is
stating we cannot succumb to these hideous terrorist crimes.
can business leaders do to cope with a crisis of such magnitude?
Consider Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, who throughout the chaos has set an example
for every leader to follow.
He instantly took to the streets, rolled up his
sleeves, and walked amongst the police and firefighters- often at the risk
his own safety. He has truly
demonstrated support, caring
and compassion for
his people while participating and keeping them informed every step
of the
way. He has provided answers to almost every question the press has thrown
him. Most important, he has not
only expressed words of compassion but has
offered encouragement and optimism even during the darkest hours.
character is not something you develop in a crisis; it's
what you exhibit in a crisis. |
no time in history will leadership skills be needed more than in
the days ahead. Business leaders and managers must now take the
responsibility to set the tone, be the example for others to follow,
truly lead by example as Mayor Guiliani is doing. They must be
sensitive to
the range of emotions that people are experiencing and communicate and
encourage people that even though we feel we are flying without a net
we must
grieve and move on. Expanding
our businesses, planting our crops, building
our homes, and carrying out our plans in the days, weeks and months
will demonstrate to the world that our spirits cannot be broken.
who are not in a leadership position must also display
behaviors and communicate
to others in words of unity of purpose and support.
A "we're all in this together" attitude
with a sense of camaraderie and
mutual support as demonstrated by those police officers
and firefighters who,
in my opinion will never receive enough recognition for their heroism
and sacrifice. Their inspiration and spirit will help all of us move
forward, but
we'll need
positive energy, commitment, fortitude and character to see us
through. Remember:
character is not something you develop in a crisis; it's
what you exhibit in a crisis. Now's
the time to show others who you are and
what you're made of. Show strength in your convictions and couple them with
and cooperation has been demonstrated with a true
team spirit in our
government. Both Republicans and Democrats alike have put
their differences aside to
focus on a common goal--to condemn and bring to
justice those responsible for these
attacks and put an end to terrorism once
and for all. They've stood
behind President
Bush with resounding
encouragement and cohesiveness. You,
too, must rally around
your leaders
and help carry your organization into a better future.
blow we have suffered has been staggering, but we must gain our
balance and triumph
over terrorism. Just as a small bird is shaken from its
nest to learn to fly, we've been shaken from our nests, but in the weeks and
months ahead, we will learn to fly even higher for we
will be stronger, we
will be better, we will be kinder and more compassionate. I encourage
you all, to opt for optimism for this country will be ever so much greater
in the
very near
future. We already are!
can we do as individuals, families, companies, communities and
teams to handle
care of yourself and your family first. Be kinder, more loving,
compassionate, and forgiving. Build and heal relationships.
Teach your
children well, it's the most important job you'll ever have.
to build a better future for your company. It is your livelihood
and they
need you to perform at your best. Display
initiative beyond your
job description. Demonstrate coordination and cooperation with your
and be more
industrious than ever.
to build a better community - volunteer, get active, beautify
your home,
and help your neighbor beautify their home. Building a better
community will
help to build a better state.
an active voice with state legislators and stand up for what you
think is
right. If we can build a better state, we can build a better
this country or leave it! Display
the flag and be proud. Let's
be united as
one and conquer over the ignorance of those who are against us
and our
American ideals. Holding on to those ideals will help us build a
better country.
If we can build a better country, we can build a better
peace is everyone's business. Together, as Americans united, let's
stay strong and commit to taking part in building a better world.
Christine Corelli is a
leadership expert who works with business executives, managers and
supervisors using creativity and innovation to outdistance their current and
future competitors and build winning teams who are customer focused and
company loyal. Christine is the
author of "Wake Up and Smell the Competition - They're Closer Than You
Think", a business consultant and professional speaker, presenting
keynotes and workshops at meetings and conventions around the world.
For information on Christine's speaking and training programs call 352-438-0261
e-mail Christine
[email protected] or
visit www.ExpertSpeaker.com/Speakers/corelli.htm
ExpertMagazine.com 2001
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