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Facilitating Fun and Effectiveness

By Gail Howerton

 "If you are not working for a company that is enthusiastic, energetic, creative, curious, clever, and just plain fun; you are in trouble .... serious trouble." As Tom Peters, the management expert so aptly stated; fun has hit the headlines as a key ingredient to better training, better business, and a better quality of life. The research is overwhelmingly positive about the benefits of humor in the workplace and embracing the concept of fun and effectiveness.

Creating a workplace that is enjoyable and where there is a liberation of talent, rather than restraint by rule decreases absenteeism, turnover, and stress while it increases creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction, (a key factor to longevity).

People with a sense of humor have three times the energy than those who don't. Laughing and smiling help the immune system fight disease and decrease stress. We know stress kills the heart and can cause brain damage.

Blending fun into our workday helps integrate the left and right brain hemispheres which helps balance our energy and focus. Take short breaks throughout the day to move your body and your mind to stay refreshed.

The learning process should be playful to entice a relaxed state of mind, aid in retention, and hold the interest of the learner. If the learning is interactive; retention and understanding are increased with the inclusion of more senses as well as the emotions.

Creating a fun environment in your organization also boosts customer retention. People like doing business with people who like doing business - they keep coming back to pleasant people.

The April cover of Incentive Magazine stated: "Funny business - Want to increase productivity? - Make 'em laugh." So the verdict is in - you can promote peak performance through playful professionalism. EM 

Gail Howerton, MA, CLP (Certified Leisure Professional - an authentic credential!) is the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Fun*cilitators with a degree in Recreation and a Masters in Experiential Education. She has dedicated over 20 years promoting the benefits of peak performance through playful professionalism, fun at work, and practicing safe stress, by facilitating fun and effectiveness in keynotes and workshops. Author of Hit Any Key To Energize Your Life. Contact Gail at www.funcilitators.com or [email protected]  
(800) 930-6096. Copyright 1999 Fun*cilitators.
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