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ASTD Releases its 2001 State of the Industry
Results Indicate Record Levels of Employees Receive Training (Alexandria, Va.) March 27 - The average U.S. company is training more of its employees than ever before, more dollars are going to technical skills training than any other type of training, and e-learning gains momentum among large companies, according to The 2001 ASTD State of the Industry Report released today by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). While the average company is training record levels of employees-78.6 percent-Mark Van Buren, Director of Research for ASTD, said "It's important to note that the top 10 percent of companies surveyed train 98.4 percent of employees in their organizations." "The top 10 percent of companies surveyed, or 'Training Investment Leaders' also spent an average of $1,665 on training per eligible employee, compared to $677 for the average survey respondent," he noted. "Training Investment Leaders have made learning a central focus of organization-wide efforts to stay competitive and deliver results in the New Economy." The study's key findings also indicate a few surprises, according to Van Buren. "The training landscape is shifting, in part because of the rapid rate of change many firms have been experiencing," he said. "Training, like any other financial investment, is not immune to changing times. Now, more than ever, companies must continually demonstrate the value and worth of their investments in training." Additional key findings of the study include the following: * Overall training expenditures in 1999 fell to 1.8 percent of payroll, down from 2.0 percent in 1998. "We've seen the growth rate in training expenditures slow gradually over the past few years," said Van Buren. "The latest figures suggest that training was affected by general 'belt-tightening' or cost-cutting in some companies during 1999," he noted. Projections for 2000 indicate that the decline may be momentary, as more than 70 percent of survey respondents expect overall training expenditures to increase between 1999 and 2000. * The largest share of spending on training went to training in technical processes and procedures (13 percent), with professional skills following close behind (11 percent). Interpersonal communication, new employee orientation, and IT skills followed at 9 percent each. "Our results show that for the first time, spending on professional skills has surpassed both IT skills and managerial/supervisory skills training," Van Buren said. * The use of e-learning has leveled off over the past two years in smaller companies, with the average firm in 1999 delivering 8.4 percent of its training using e-learning, compared to the 1998 figure of 8.5 percent. However, large companies exhibited the opposite trend in e-learning. Among companies in the ASTD Benchmarking Forum, which average more than 55,000 employees, the percent of training time delivered via e-learning grew from 12.3 percent in 1998 to 13.8 percent in 1999. "After examining the data from both large and small companies, it appears that large companies are making the greatest strides using present forms of e-learning. With more employees, they can reap the savings in distribution costs and travel expenses due to economies of scale," said Van Buren. * Results indicate a slight increase in classroom training, up to 79.9 percent in 1999 from 78.4 percent in 1998. "We believe the growth in classroom training and a leveling off in e-learning may be an indication that companies are trying more of a blended approach, or a combination of e-learning and classroom training," Van Buren said. * Outsourcing expenditures are down as firms bring more of the training function "in house" with the aim of reducing costs while providing more individualized and specialized learning. The report's findings provide strong evidence of this trend, as firms spent a decreasing percentage on payments to outside companies (19.9 percent in 1999 versus 24.4 percent in 1998), and an increasing amount on wages and salaries for training staff (50 percent in 1999 versus 45.6 percent in 1998). The 2001 ASTD State of the Industry Report is available for purchase by calling the ASTD Customer Care Center at 703.683.8100. The report costs $39.95/$54.95 (ASTD members/non-members). Use product code 190101 when ordering. Founded in 1944, ASTD is the world's premiere professional association in the field of workplace learning and performance. ASTD's membership includes more than 70,000 professionals in organizations from every level of the field of workplace learning and performance in more than 100 countries. Its leadership and members work in more than 15,000 multinational corporations, small and medium sized businesses, government agencies, colleges, and universities. For more information, visit www.astd.org.