All You Need to Kick Butt with Fitness
By Jim Coughlin
Sep 22, 2007 - 11:52:00 AM
I'm sure you've heard the following phrases MANY times before.
"If you use THIS equipment you'll finally be able to build the body of your dreams!"
"If you take THESE supplements you'll get ripped faster than anything else!"
"If you go on THIS diet, you'll lose 30 pounds in 30 days!"
"If you buy THIS gadget/contraption you'll have a six pack in 6 weeks or less!"
"If you follow THIS program you'll get results in record time!"
Time and time again companies try to lure people in by playing with people's emotions with these ridiculous claims. It's down right murder what they get away with!
The worst part?
People actually fall for them and billions upon billions of dollars are spent or should I say 'wasted' year after year!
Well, I'm different.
The reason why I became a personal trainer was to educate/motivate as many people as I possibly can by telling them the truth about fitness and health - not to rip them off and tell them ANYTHING just to make more money.
As many of you already know, I ain't gonna bs you.
There ISN'T a best piece equipment to use.
There ISN'T a best supplement to take.
There ISN'T a best diet to go on.
There ISN'T a best gadget/contraption to work with and
There ISN'T a best program you can do!
Forget anything that sounds like the 'end all miracle.' They've never worked and never will! The only 3 components that will always have you kick butt with fitness are the following:
Consistency. Variety. Intensity.
That's it. I can't spell it out for you any clearer. If you follow these 3 principles with your exercise program you can't lose - period.
Now obviously you have to know what you're doing to be successful.
If you've never strength trained before, have no idea how to do cardio effectively or you're puzzled with exercise in general - you may need help.
If that's the case, don't be afraid to hire a qualified fitness professional and they'll happy to show you what consistency, variety and intensity are all about!
Jim Coughlin is a personal trainer and the owner of Coughlin Fitness & Results, a nationwide personal training company. He is also the author of Home Fitness Secrets to Success, a helpful guide to successful in-home fitness in addition to many other popular fitness articles. Jim is very passionate at motivating people to empower themselves to live a healthy lifestyle through consistent exercise and proper nutrition. He has free weekly success tips which you are welcome to subscribe to on his website
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