you want to be tough,
you have to eat good stuff!� |
for long life and renewed stamina for business and personal
endurance from
Dr. Wayne "The Mango Man"
Stress Under Stress
what you can do if you wake up and are not feeling too chipper, and you have
a full
day ahead of you. I try to get my thoughts focused on how grateful I am that
I am physically able to get out of bed. I've been in 23 countries & have
seen the worst of the worst when it comes to those who are physically
The next thing I try to do is focus on how many people in my audiences have
told me what a difference I've made in their lives. Can you remember when
you were hungry and you thought
of a food you liked and your mouth started watering? Well, just the thought
of it initiated the digestive process of saliva. If your thoughts can
promote such a change in the body, think of what a good thought will do to
give you a head start on the day when you're feeling sluggish with no pep!
It is then that is seems easy for me to roll out of bed and thank God that I
the next thing I always do is focus on getting a good walk in ... weather
where to do the walking. The easiest form of exercise is walking outside in
the fresh air!
the weather is nice outside, start your walks at a military pace - 3 miles
an hour (that's a
mile in 20 minutes). Then get them to 4 miles an hour (that's a mile in 15
minutes). Then, ultimately, 5 miles an hour (that's a mile in 12 minutes).
That might seem too difficult, but
the record for the mile walk is 5 minutes and 47 seconds. So, 12 minutes per
mile is very achievable ... and think of the oxygen you're getting to your
brain for better clarity. And the
walk helps to increase the mitochondria (energy portion of the cell) ...
hence, lots more
energy and you'll feel so much better. Aerobic means with oxygen ...
anaerobic means
without oxygen. Do your exercises to where you feel great. There's nothing
to support that
we should feel miserable after we exercise ... Have Fun!
you're in a strange city and it's raining and miserably cold, so, what can
you do? I
always walk to the top of the hotel and walk each of the floors from top to
bottom. Then I
visit the exercise room now that I'm warmed up. I tend to do all my hard
training when I'm
home and just do maintenance while I'm on the road.
Daytona Beach, FL ... This is Wayne Pickering reminding you that you are
very special and the envy of billions of people on this planet. So treat
yourself to the best of health ... you deserve it.
Pickering, N.D., Sc.M - "The Ambassador for Health" is an author,
performance coach, life management consultant and professional
speaker. With over 22
years of entrepreneurial experience he has spoken and presented his
workshops, seminars, and spouse programs in five countries, teaching
individuals and teaching whole organizations how to optimize their health
and in turn their success in business and life. For more
information about Dr.
Wayne's programs call 352-438-0261 or email
[email protected]
ExpertMagazine.com 2001
Copyright (c)
1994-1999 Wayne Pickering
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