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                                                     Editorial Guidelines

EXPERT Magazine welcomes contributions from professionals with expertise related to  training and business development.  Whether you are a professional speaker, trainer, consultant, PR person representing a company or product, or freelance writer, please 
take a moment to review the following guidelines for submission.

Our readers encompass a broad spectrum of senior and middle management in corporations, associations and government agencies, with  interests in improving their organizations through  training and development.  Business leaders and meeting & event planners find speakers and trainers with expertise in their group's areas of interest for meetings, conventions and on/off site trainings, searching our article archives by subject of interest, as well as other business and meeting planning resources.

Through this web site and EXPERT Magazine Online we deliver content rich, how-to articles and resources to help our readers reach their goals.

What types of articles are wanted?

If you are not familiar with ExpertMagazine.com, take a look at some of the topics and articles in our archives.  While these topics are not exclusive, it will give you a general idea of the types of articles we are looking for.  Generally they consist of  topics related to training and development and  business growth.  Articles written primarily as a commercial for a particular product or service will not be published, please visit our advertising page.

General Guidelines:

When submitting an article to us for publication you are confirming either the work is yours and/or you are authorized to submit it for publication on behalf of the author, and are giving us non-exclusive rights to publish it at ExpertMagazine.com and EXPERT Magazine Online.  You are also authorizing us to grant reprint permission of your article
to interested parties for use in their free print or electronic newsletters, magazines and web sites, with your byline included.  Reprint permissions for paid subscription based publications will be referred to the author for approval.

We accept articles that have been published previously.  Articles should be between 500-1500 words.  We also accept tips and mini articles which generally are less than 500 words.  
These pieces could supply facts, resources, etc. in bulleted format or maybe a humorous experience related to training and development, meeting planning or any of the topics.
You will need to register to obtain passwords, which will allow you to enter your article(s) on our web site using our article manager.  By registering and submitting articles, you agree to our editorial guidelines.  We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity, length and grammar.

All articles are reviewed by an editor, submitting an article does not guarantee it will be published.   We do not consider articles sent via U.S. mail.   

When your article is published we will include your 25-30 word byline.  Please include it at the end of your article.  

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