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is a wave of change sweeping across American corporations and government. A
change in the way we do business within our walls with our workforce as well
as with our external customers and constituents. It seems that people like
doing business with people who like doing business and mixing fun with
effectiveness makes good business sense in these stressful times. This is
particularly true in the public service arena where many lives are touched
by those who serve them and where quality of life is a basic issue. Our
workforce is like cows; they produce more when they are contented and cared
for. Creating a workplace that promotes peak performance through playful
professionalism also decreases absenteeism, sickness, turnover, and stress
while increasing morale, teamwork, creativity, and productivity. Just
recently I've had the privilege to work with the Clerks of the Senate and
the Internal Auditors as well as several military installations and military
comptrollers on tips to practicing safe stress and the keys to energizing
the worksite. I share some of the most important keys below in order to help
increase your personal energy so that you may share your energy with
colleagues and customers. F1
- Function - what is yours? What is your function in life?
Studies show that those who have a purpose and are actively working towards
achieving their goals are happier and wealthier than those who just show up
for life each day. Set goals, change them, and actively work on them. Ctrl
- Control your life and your immediate environment. Take
control of your immediate circle of influence. Realize you have the power to
control your state of mind and reactions to whatever life hands you. You can
also control your immediate physical environment such as your cubicle. Give
yourself an energy boost by hanging up photos which cheer you up or putting
a candy dish on your desk, having a nice rug under your feet, playing soft
instrumental music to soothe your nerves. Space
- What does your space say about you? Can you navigate through
your space? Is it pleasant, comfortable, and workable or does it create
stress? Are items easily accessible? If you are left brained, are things
vertical behind closed doors? If you are right brained, are they horizontal
and within view ? Do your desk accessories accommodate these preferences?
What is the color or what type of furniture do you have and how is it
positioned in the room? Do you like to be in this room? The key here is
organize to energize! Shift
- Shift tasks to increase energy. Adults in our infinite
wisdom say that children have short attention spans, but they are just
shifting to a task which brings them more energy when they are getting
drained from the task at hand. Shift from left brain tasks such as budgeting
to a right-brain task such as reading your mail or watering your plants.
Your productivity will increase and your mind will feel refreshed. Delete
- Delete internal & external clutter. Have you
ever known somebody who could just light up a room..... when they left? Do
you have any of these people in your life? Just delete them! They will sap
the life energy right out of you. External clutter is anything around you
that "bugs" you such as dusting, unread newspapers and catalogs
piling up, the lamp you got in the divorce, or the tacky souvenir your
neighbor brought you. Internal clutter is such things as dishonesty,
secrets, emotional stress, miscommunications, or any other "messalanea"
which is clogging up your circuits to think freely and be charged up. Insert
- Energy inserts and toys for the playful professional. Fill your
day with energy inserts, toys, and playful items which speak to you. Studies
show that using colored pens, stickers, and getting creative will cause you
to look forward to your daily planning sessions. Turn your daytimer into an
adult version of a coloring book. Professionalism can be playful - remember
to mix fun and effectiveness and bring your sense of humor to work. |