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EXPERT Magazine is great. I have gotten great job leads and was interviewed for an article that appeared in the Denver Post Newspaper because of my presence on the EXPERT Magazine website. I highly recommend it.  
                                             Ron Culberson,MSW, CSP


Our readers are those with responsibilities in the growth and development of their organization and include corporate, association and government executives, training and human resource professionals, meeting and event planners, print and broadcast media, consultants, universities, sales professionals and program/project managers.


Our highly targeted audience has grown to over 32,000 visitors and 100,000 page views per month.  We continue  aggressive promotion of the web site and online magazine specifically to the business management, training and development, and meeting planning audiences through various print and electronic media channels. 


EXPERT articles and editorial come from experts in the field...not from staff writers.  Because contributing writers are doing what they teach and are on the cutting edge, editorial is pertinent, useful and well received by readers.  94% of readers gave an overall editorial grade of A=excellent/very useful or B=good/useful.  

We encourage EXPERT members  to submit editorial content regularly related to their expertise for publication on our web site and in EXPERT Magazine Online.  This is a valuable opportunity to gain additional
View our editorial guidelines here.
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EXPERT Magazine Online is a free monthly, opt-in email magazine filled with industry news, current events, articles and resources for those with interests in business growth, training and development, and meeting planning.


Our new Article Syndication Feed is a free service to anyone with a website who would like the type of content offered at EXPERT Magazine to appear on their site.  It is also an excellent tool for widening the reach of your articles across the Internet.  Webmasters choose the categories from our article archives, generate a small piece of code with our tools, then copy and paste the code on their site where they would like the titles to appear.  Then as new articles are added at EXPERT Magazine, in those chosen categories , they are automatically updated on every site.  The one-time setup takes just a few minutes, with tools to customize the look to fit their site and options on how many titles in each category to display.  Titles and summaries are displayed on their site with a link to your article page at EXPERT Magazine, opening in a new window.  

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