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Special Focus Issue
Customer Service & The Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Visit the EXPERT Book Store for books by some of the
best business and personal development authors.

The Art of Change
By Nan S. Russell

People who are winning at working find their way in a changed and changing world through inner navigation and core connection. That way, they know which changes to embrace, which to leverage with their talents into successful opportunities....

Fighting Fear
By Susan Friedmann

Exhibiting in economically turbulent times... the first thing to do is to assess and understand what the changing marketplace actually means to your industry

Escape from Job Captivity
By Bill Lampton, Ph.D.

Ever feel like you are held captive by your job, almost like you're in professional prison? That's a fairly common mood in the workplace. Business communication expert Dr. Bill Lampton gives seven remedies that will help you become liberated from your feeling of confinement.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HELEN KELLER

People Are Not Rungs on the Ladder of Success
By Wally Adamchik

True leaders look out for people and understand the importance of quality relationships. In fact, one of the primary determinants of leader effectiveness is the quality of the relationship between leader and led.

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Special focus issue

Service Excellence with
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel