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A. DeSena, CSP If
you could just get just 10% better at managing your time, what would you do
with the "There
just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day!" How many times have
you heard someone say those words? How many times have you thought at the
end of a tiring day, We
can choose to be victims when it comes to time management or we can make
different choices. When we choose to manage proactively, we put our
priorities in order. What
are the
signs that you are suffering from poor time management? Some of the most
frequent are missed deadlines, going from one crisis to the next, stress,
disorganization Take
the first step. Admit that you could improve the way you plan and
carry out your Second,
know that you don't have to have all the answers. You don't have
to reinvent Third,
start by changing just one habit you do have that doesn't help you.
Instead, choose to do something that makes better use of your time and that
makes you more productive. Three possibilities are:
A. DeSena, CSP, Performance Achievement Systems, Inc.