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Sense Being Negative, Ten Tips To Help You Become a More Positive Person by
Karla Brandau 1.
Wake up in the morning and say, "I feel TERRIFIC!" The only
difference in a terrific day and a terrible day are three little letters --
ble or fic! 2.
Before you go to sleep at night, expect success the next day. Review in your
mind two or three things you want to accomplish, then visualize yourself
completing them in a magnificent manner. Believe me, they will get done. 3.
Believe in miracles. If you seek an influence and a force greater than
yourself, all the forces of the universe will come together to make the
miracle of your life happen. 4.
Believe in your inner gifts. Your potential is unlimited. When Chuck Yeager
flew the plane that broke the sound barrier, he commented, "The only
barriers to breaking the sound barrier were in our minds." Don't let
your mind sabotage your success. 5.
Exercise your power of choice. You can freely choose to see things in a
negative or a positive way. Remember the words of Kahlil Gibran, "The
appearance of things changes according to the emotions, and thus we see
magic and beauty in them while the magic and beauty are really in
ourselves." 6.
Never say, "I can't." Don't
feed your mind that garbage. You can't do everything in life, but you can do
whatever you set you mind to do and whatever you pursue with persistence.
The mind is crucial. James Allen in his book, As A Man Thinketh, states that
"The mind is the master weaver both of the inner garment of character
and the outer garment of circumstance." 7.
See opportunities, not obstacles. Mountains fall and seas divide before the
person who does not see an obstacle and quits, but sees an opportunity and
goes up, over, around or through to get what he/she wants. 8.
When you are feeling negative or when
you are worrying about something, ask yourself, "Will this matter in 10
years? Will it matter in 10 minutes? If the answer is no, stop worrying and
expect success. 9.
Come to the understanding that
success is a matter well directed energy toward your positive goals and
aspirations. Make goals. Break them down into daily task items. Insist they
show up on your "to-do" list. Don't forget that no other personal
quality contributes to success more than persistence in the pursuit of one's
goals. 10.
Give life 110%. In M. Scott Peck's
book, A Road Less Traveled, he states that life is difficult, but once you
accept that, it no longer matters. By giving life 110%, you drive right
through difficulties to a triumphal conclusion. Put
these ten tips to work in your life and you'll find that the sun does not
shine ON you, but it shines IN you. Success will follow you no matter where
you go.