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Christine Corelli When
I ask this question to employee groups, you might think the responses I
receive most often are "My job. It's MY job to keep myself
motivated." If
you think that's correct, you are mistaken.
The response I receive most often is, "It's my BOSS'S job."
must recognize that it's not only smart decision making on the part of their
executives, but it's their human capital who holds the key to sustainable,
long-term growth. Within them lie solutions to problems, methods to improve
productivity, creative ideas to improve products and service, and insight on
what management needs to do to help the company move forward in difficult
times. That assumes, of course, that leaders know how to motivate and
inspire employees to not only bring these ideas to them, but deliver their
best performance through good times and bad. Can
you GIVE someone motivation? I
don't believe you can. It's something a person has inside them, or they
don't. Whether you manage a department, a sales force, oversee a division,
lead a company, run a family business or wish to have a leadership position
in the future, here is an essential and simplistic leadership principle to
follow: The key to motivating people is to keep people in the RIGHT FRAME OF
MIND-by making them feel they are working WITH you, not FOR you. If they
feel they are working FOR you, your work force may resemble robots who go
through the motions of their job and never put their heart and soul into
their work, nor show initiative beyond their job description. You
can accomplish this by being a great person to work WITH, and by
consistently doing the things which build relationships--expressing
appreciation, encouraging, listening, asking for ideas, informal and formal
rewards, etc., and by not trying to exercise control. This allows people, of
their own free will, to flow in a direction that leads them to cooperate
with you-something all companies need to survive through this tough economy.
may be helpful to you to understand and internalize the difference between a
LEADER and a BOSS. Here is food for thought. . . A
BOSS is getting people to do what needs to be done.
BOSS: Says, "GO!"
BOSS: Depends on authority The
BOSS: Commands The
BOSS: Uses people The
BOSS: Sees today The
BOSS: Never has time The
BOSS: Lets you know where they stand The
BOSS: Works hard to produce The
BOSS: Accepts the credit
BOSS: Inspires fear The
BOSS: Says, "I"
BOSS: Blames for problems
BOSS: Drives people The
BOSS: Says, "Here's the bad news" The
BOSS: Says, "That's the decision."
BOSS: Expects top performance Keep
in mind, the Number One cause for job dissatisfaction in America today is
working for a bad boss. People work FOR a boss. They work WITH a leader.
a client told me, "If my boss ever leaves, I want to go with him. He is
absolutely the best person I've ever worked with." Employee
motivation, of course, involves a great deal more than being a single great
leader, it involves the company's culture, systems, procedures, and more.
But for right now, simply ask yourself. . . Would
you work for you? |