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Speaker Coaching/Training


Start, Build and Grow Your Own 
Speaking and Training Business

FREE Consultation
Option 1  *  Option 2Option 3 * Option 4

  •                                                                                                Have you always dreamed of being a well-paid speaker/seminar leader?  
    Do you want a part-time/full-time business that 
    provides big $$$

  • Are you not sure how to get started?
  • Do you want to know the best direction and focus 
    for you?
  • Is the idea of having to market and promote yourself 
    holding you back?
  • Do you want to reduce the risks?
  • Would you like a coach with a proven track record to 
    guide you and make sure that you are never alone in 
    your journey?

And do you want to quickly develop a solid speaking business with diversified income sources and profit centers, supported by a winning marketing system � to maximize the income from every client and every engagement?

Hello, my name is Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional � this designation awarded by the National Speakers Association has been earned by less than 325 speakers in the world). I have delivered over 2,500 paid presentations, written four best-selling books and consulted with hundreds of clients throughout the USA and Overseas. For over fifteen years, I have made my living by speaking and working with people like yourself who want to start and build their own successful speaking and training businesses. To assist you in learning the "inside secrets" and getting on the "fast track", I will work with you on a one to one basis. I will develop a marketing and promotion plan tailored to your unique needs. You will learn from my trials and tribulations and the success habits of super successful speakers and trainers exactly what you need to do to start and succeed in your own business. As your mentor and coach, I will save you time, money and frustration and help you avoid those costly mistakes that can be the difference between success and failure.

Depending on your needs I offer four options to help you change your life and build your own lucrative business.

EXPERT Magazine has arranged for a FREE assessment consultation
with Arnold to identify your business goals and the tools available for your success.    While the scope of the FREE consultation is limited, Arnold will share some of his insights on how to grow and enjoy success in the speaking business.  The consultation is free with no obligation and you will automatically receive his article titled "Speaking for Dollars: How to Get on the Speaking Circuit" just for the inquiry.  Contact him at [email protected] with
your areas of interest and your contact information.

To your success!

Option 1

One-to-One Ongoing Coaching Program

The one-to-one ongoing coaching program consists of the following:

  • Up to a two day session to provide you with an intensive and immediate indoctrination on everything it takes to succeed in the speaking business
  • 10 scheduled follow up sessions
  • One full year of follow-up by phone, fax, e-mail
  • All the agreements, forms, marketing materials and everything you need to succeed
  • Determination of the best direction and focus for you
  • Picking the right topic(s)
  • Putting your seminar, speech or training program together
  • A step-by-step marketing plan tailored to your unique needs
  • Strategies to jump start your business
  • How to build a speaking and training business into a speaking empire
  • Meetings by phone, fax, e-mail and in-person on an ongoing basis to make sure your plan becomes a reality
  • Specific contacts to help you get opportunities now!
  • Personal introductions to the people you need to know
  • How to get speakers bureaus to call you again and again
  • How to get additional business from your speaking engagements
  • How and where to get your audio-cassette program developed
  • How to get "famous" and see business come to you
  • Hundreds of low cost and easy to use marketing strategies
  • How and where to get your own book published and promoted
  • Completely written promotional materials about you
  • Opportunities to make $$$ through strategic alliances and subcontracting
  • Networking on your behalf to help you find speaking opportunities
  • Presentation skills assistance if needed
  • Development of products and services to increase your income
  • Pricing strategies
  • How to command higher fees instantly
  • Plus the how, where, when, who and why of starting & thriving in your own business
  • Bonus � you get the audio - workbook speaker start-up system (option #4)

Your investment for the complete one-to-one mentoring and coaching program --- where you have complete access to one of the top speakers in the USA --- your virtual employee, with unlimited support for a full year and where you are never alone is from $11,995 (expenses for traveling if outside of Washington DC area). Also ask about our special reduced fees for two or more people. Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP has been there and is eager to get you on the fast track � NOW!   

                                           Option 2

One Day Intensive One-to-One program

The one day one-to-one program provides the speaker with the following:

  • An intensive one-to-one session for one full day
  • 2 hours of phone, e-mail or fax follow-up
  • How to set up a part or full time speaking business
  • Determination of the best direction and focus for you to follow
  • Development of a marketing plan to get your speaking business on the fast track
  • Picking the right topics
  • How to put your speech, seminar and training program together
  • Marketing strategies that work
  • All the forms, agreements and marketing materials you�ll need
  • Help in determining the best topic for you
  • How to get a "little bit of fame" and see your speaking opportunities skyrocket
  • How and where to get your articles and books published and marketed
  • Subcontracting possibilities
  • Strategies to jumpstart your business
  • How to build a speaking and training business into a speaking empire
  • Specific contacts to help you get opportunities. Now!
  • How to get speakers bureaus to want you
  • Strategic Alliances: How to multiply yourself through others
  • How to get additional business from every speaking engagement
  • How and where to get your own book published and see business come to you
  • How to develop your own moneymaking audiocassette program
  • Pricing strategies
  • How to command higher fees instantly
  • How to avoid the 17 biggest mistakes most speakers make
  • Specific contacts to help you get opportunities now
  • Plus the how, where, when, who and why of starting and thriving in your own business
  • Bonus � you get the audio - workbook speaker start-up system (option #4)

Your investment for the one - day intensive, one-to-one session plus two hours of follow up by phone, fax or e-mail is $2,700. If you wish to extend the program to 1� days the fee is $3,500. If Arnold travels from the Washington DC area to your location then traveling expenses must be added.

Option 3

Quick Start Program

This three-hour one-on-one intensive program provides an overview of what it takes to start and build your own speaking/training business. We will focus on the questions and concerns you have about, how do I start? or what do I need to grow my business?

Specifically we'll answer such questions as,

  • How do I get started?
  • What are all the resources out there?
  • What topic should I pick?
  • What is the best direction for me to follow?
  • How can I give my business a boost � immediately
  • What are specific things I can do now?
  • How do I get a "little bit" famous?
  • How can I get business to come to me?
  • What resources are available on the internet to help my business?

You will also receive information on,

  • 15 painless ways to market your speaking business
  • How to market yourself on the internet
  • How to develop alliances to leverage your speaking business
  • How to price yourself
  • What publicity materials you'll need
  • How to get agents to market you
  • Where and how to get published
  • Contacts to help you succeed

Plus � You'll get all the forms, marketing materials and agreements that you can use immediately

Your investment for the quick start program is $995. Other expenses may apply if outside of the Washington DC area.

                                                     Option 4

Arnold's Speaking/Training Development System

The Ultimate Guide to Starting, Building and Growing Your Own Speaking and Training Business

My copyrighted workbook and audio program will provide you with a "toolkit" and a step-by-step system to help you start and build your own speaking business.

My "toolkit" will give you the forms, marketing materials, agreements, sample proposals, sample demo video, sample products, checklists and resources that it would take years to get on your own. Everything is on a floppy disk for you to use and adapt.

Everything I provide is time tested and proven to help you quickly and confidently build a viable business and cut years off your learning curve

Your "toolkit" will provide you with the following:

  1. Actual winning proposals that resulted in big $$ speaking engagements
  2. Presentation skills that work � Tips, techniques and strategies
  3. How to set fees to include sample fee charts
  4. 7 pricing strategies so anyone can afford your fees
  5. Arnold's video that wins speaking jobs
  6. Arnold's audio-tape, "Keeping Customers for Life � 37 Proven Solutions"
  7. Arnold's book, "You Can Start Your Own Business"
  8. How to develop and sell products
  9. How to get bureaus interested in you
  10. How to attract "agents" to sell you
  11. Step by step instructions for developing your own e-mail newsletter (samples)
  12. Sample handouts to build your own presentation from scratch
  13. Arnold's forms that generate business at each presentation
  14. Contracts and agreement samples to make sure you get paid
  15. Samples of winning publicity kits
  16. 2 cassette audio-tape program
  17. PlusOne hour of telephone or e-mail consultation with 
    Arnold Sanow

Speaking is an exciting, high-income business. But without the "tools that work" it can become a hit or miss affair. If you want to cut through the clutter and get your speaking business on the fast track �order today�Only $495


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Phone, Fax or mail your order� Phone orders : 352-438-0261; 
Fax orders: 352-438-0262.

Mail to: EXPERT Magazine 6191 NE 64th St., Silver Springs, FL 34488-1127

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