Table of 

Volume 3, Issue 1
March 2003
In This Issue

Benefiting from a 
Regular Exhibiting

By Susan Friedmann
The Tradeshow Coach

Public Relations:
Recession Tool

By Robert Kelly

Humor In

By Ron Culberson

Finish Line

By Drew Stevens

Article Archive
Contact Us



Next Article
From the Editor....

We finally completed the move to our new list server.  We hope this will improve the challenges we have been facing with email filters and delivery of EXPERT Magazine.    We are definitely against the use of spam and continue the daily delete of sometimes over 100 spam email messages in our own mailboxes.  We will continue to protect your email address,  it is not available to any third party.  Any demographic information you share with us when you subscribe is used in the aggregate only, 

Those who are equipped to receive HTML email will notice a change in the format of EXPERT Magazine.  If you prefer to continue receiving the text version, similar to what you have received in the past, you can update your subscription from the link at the bottom of the page and choose the TEXT option.  Then, you will receive future issues in the TEXT format, which has short excerpts from the individual articles with links to the article page.

Thank you for reading and as always your thoughts and comments are welcome.

Best regards,
Janet Delph
Managing Editor

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Tools & resources for
effective telephone sales and communication skills.

Experience is something I always think I have until I get more of it. 
             Burton Hillis

Christine Corelli
Working Together
Winning Together, the American Way

Reason and calm judgment, the qualities especially belonging to a leader.